Kopi bikin tidak ngantuk? Jelaslah!
Kopi bantu pembentukan tubuh? Gimana bisa?
Begitu membuka mata, secara otomatis Anda beranjak menuju
dapur dan membuat secangkir kopi kental. Begitu juga ketika
penat datang di kantor atau saat Anda harus menyiapkan
presentasi sampai malam hari. Meskipun demikian, berbagai
berita tentang dampak buruk kopi tak urung membuat Anda
gentar. Sedangkan Anda baru saja mendengar cerita teman gym
bahwa kopi bsa membantu membakar timbunan lemak. Benarkah
minuman ini benar-benar bermanfaat untuk memahat otot tubuh
Benar, kopi dapat menjadi your fitness buddies dalam memahat
sixpack di tubuh Anda! Beberapa studi menunjukkan bahwa kopi
dapat membantu menurunkan berat badan. Hal ini berkaitan
dengan kandungan zat aktif dalam kopi dapat membantu
menurunkan berat badan. Hal ini berkaitan dengan kandungan zat
aktif dalam kopi yang dapat meningkatkan metabolisme serta
menekan rasa lapar, yaitu kafein. Selain itu, chlorogenic acid
dan quinides yang terkandung dalam kopi juga ikut berperan
dalam menurunkan berat badan dan membakar lemak.
Selain itu, kopi juga memiliki banyak manfaat bagi kesehatan,
asal dikonsumsi dalam jumlah yang tepat. Konsumsi kopi
berkaitan dengan penurunan risiko diabetes tipe 2, pencegahan
penyakit Parkinson, pencegahan kanker kolon, serta pencegahan
pengerasan hati.
Kafein memang dapat membahayakan jantung Anda, jika dikonsumsi
secara berlebih. Tapi, di sisi lain, kafein juga adalah
"ramuan" yang dapat membantu Anda membakar lemak di tubuh?
Berikut ulasannya.
1. Kafein dan Appetite
Kafein merupakan stimulan yang berperan dalam mengurangi rasa
lapar. Karena Anda tidak terlalu lapar, makan pun menjadi
tidak berlebih. Asalkan tidak menambah kopi dengan gula
berlebih apalagi whipped cream, maka kopi Anda aman untuk
pembentukan tubuh, terutama saat menurunkan berat badan.
2. Kafein meningkatkan laju metabolisme
Studi menunjukkan kalu kafein bersifat termogenesis dan
membantu membakar kalori. Suplementasi 100 mg kafein dapat
meningkatkan laju metabolisme sampai 3-4% selama 150 menit.
Adapun secangkir kopi (240 ml) mengandung kafein sebesar
72-130 mg. Namun, efek kafein tidak sama pada setiap orang.
Orang gemuk mengalami peningkatan laju metabolisme yang lebih
rendah dibandingkan orang dengan berat normal.
3. Kafein dan pembakaran lemak
Kafein dapat meningkatkan pemecahan lemak menjadi energi.
Karena itulah, konsumsi kafein dapat membuat perut Anda
terlihat lebih rata! Meskipun demikian, perlu diingat bahwa
konsumsi kafein tanpa disertai aktivitas fisik tidak akan
memberikan hasil yang signifikan. Penyebabnya, apabila tubuh
tidak membutuhkan tambahan energi, lemak yang telah diubah
menjadi energi akan kembali disimpan sebagai lemak. So, jangan
lupakan olahraga!
4. Kafein dan Endurance
Tahukah Anda bahwa kafein dapat meningkatkan kekuatan otot
Anda? Konsumsi kafein 1 jam sebelum berolahraga terbukti dapat
meningkatkan performa olahraga serta meningkatkan endurance.
Mengapa harus 1 jam? Hal ini dikarenakan kadar kafein dalam
darah akan mencapai puncaknya 45-60 menit setelah Anda minum
Minum kopi dapat meningkatkan peerforma dan endurance selama
berolahraga berkat peran kafein dalam meningkatkan kadar
epinephrine dalam tubuh. Hasilnya, lebih banyak energi yang
dihasilkan oleh tubuh, terutama dari lemak, pada 15-30 menit
pertama saat berolahraga. Semakin lama Anda berlatih, semakin
banyak kalori yang akan Anda bakar. Kemampuan inilah yang
membuat kopi dapat membantu program pembentukan tubuh,
termasuk penurunan berat badan.
Studi menunjukkan bahwa konsumsi 100 mg kafein per hari
(kira-kira setara secangkir kopi) dapat meningkatka
metabolisme dan membakar kalori. Meskipun demikian, hindari
mengonsumsi kafein terlalu banyak. Meningkatkan dosis kafein
tidak akan meningkatkan pembakaran lemak dan metabolisme
energi secara signifikan. Selain itu, konsumsi kafein berlebih
bisa berdampak pada insomnia, jantung berdebar, sakit kepala,
diare, kekurangan cairan, dan peningkatan risiko terkena
penyakit jantung. Batasi konsumsi kafein Anda agar tidak
melebihi 300 mg kafein per hari, atau setara dengan 3 cangkir
kopi per hari .
Apabila Anda sudah mengonsumsi kafein tetapi tetap mengonsumsi makanan tinggi karbohidrat seperti roti tawar, mie, atau makanan manis sebelum dan sesudah berolahraga, jangan harap kafein dapat bekerja efektif dalam membakar lemak Anda!
Penelitian menunjukkan kalau makanan tinggi karbohidrat dapat menghambat kerja kafein dalam meningkatkan metabolisme energi.
Our Guides
Ready to grab your coffee? Before heading to the nearest coffee shop to get your daily kick-ups, you better check this out.
1. Choose Wisely
Jenis kopi yang berbeda memiliki kandungan kalori yang berbeda pula.
Pilihan terbaik adalah Espresso. Apabila Anda penggemar Latte, ada baiknya Anda mencoba beralih ke Cappucino atau Macchiato yang lebih rendah kalori.
2. Skip the Whooping Calorie from Whipped, Cream!
Whipped cream di atas Frappucino Anda bisa menambahkan 80-100 kalori dari total kalori yang Anda konsumsi, setara dengan jogging selama 20 menit. So, next time, no whipped cream, please.
3. Less is More
Semakin banyak gula dan susu yang Anda tambahkan, semakin tinggi pula kandungan kalorinya. Sebagai contoh, secangkir Espresso tanpa gula mengandung kurang dari 5 kalori, sedangkan segelas Caffe Mocha (dengan tambahan gula dan susu, tanpa whipped cream) mengandung sekitar 290 kalori.
4. No Side Dish, Please!
Anda rajin minum kopi tetapi perut malah semakin buncit? Mungkin hal ini dikarenakan kebiasaan Anda mengonsumsi croissant yang banyak tersedia di coffee shop sebagai teman minum kopi. Asupan kalor Anda pun meningkat. Pilih menu yang lebih sehat, seperti roti gandum tanpa mentega. Lebih kenyang, lebih sehat.
Source by: MEN'S GUIDE
donuts are the best!!
(here's the translate by Google Translate! Because i'm so lazy to retype :D)
BalasHapusCoffee makes not sleepy? Obviously!
Coffee aids the formation of the body? How can?
So open your eyes, you are automatically moved to the
kitchen and make a cup of strong coffee. Similarly when
tired to come in the office or when you should prepare
presentation until the evening. Nevertheless, various
news about the bad effects of coffee could not help make your
trepidation. While you have just heard the story of a gym friend
bsa that coffee helps burn fat. Really
This drink is really useful to sculpt your body muscles
True, coffee can be your fitness buddies in sculpting
sixpack in your body! Some studies show that coffee
can help you lose weight. This relates
with the content of active substances in coffee can help
lose weight. This is related to substance
active in coffee that can improve the metabolism and
suppress hunger, which is caffeine. In addition, chlorogenic acid
and quinides contained in coffee also had a role
in weight loss and burn fat.
In addition, coffee also has many health benefits,
origin consumed in appropriate amounts. Coffee Consumption
associated with a reduced risk of type 2 diabetes, prevention
Parkinson's disease, colon cancer prevention, and prevention
hardening of the liver.
Caffeine can indeed be harmful to your heart, if consumed
excessive. But, on the other hand, caffeine is also
"Potion" that can help you burn fat in the body?
Here's his review.
1. Caffeine and Appetite
BalasHapusCaffeine is a stimulant that play a role in relieving
hungry. Because you're not too hungry, eating into
not excessive. Asalka not add coffee with sugar
especially excessive whipped cream, then your coffee is safe to
formation of the body, especially when you lose weight.
2. Caffeine increases the metabolism rate
Studies show caffeine is thermogenesis and kalu
help burn calories. Supplementation with 100 mg of caffeine can
increase metabolic rate up to 3-4% for 150 minutes.
As for a cup of coffee (240 ml) of caffeine
72-130 mg. However, caffeine is not the same effect on everyone.
Obese people have increased metabolic rate more
lower than people with normal weight.
3. Caffeine and burning fat
Caffeine can increase the resolution of fat into energy.
Therefore, consumption of caffeine can make your belly
look more flat! However, keep in mind that
caffeine consumption without physical activity will not
to yield significant results. Cause, if the body
does not require additional energy, the fat that has been modified
into energy will again be stored as fat. So, do not
forget the gym!
4. Caffeine and Endurance
Did you know that caffeine can increase muscle strength
You? Consumption of caffeine 1 hour before exercise proved to
enhance sports performance and increase endurance.
Why should 1 hour? This is because levels of caffeine in
blood will reach its peak 45-60 minutes after you drink
Drinking coffee may increase performance and endurance during
BalasHapusexercise thanks to the role of caffeine in increasing levels
epinephrine in the body. As a result, more energy
produced by the body, especially from fat, at 15-30 minutes
first during exercise. The longer you train, the
many calories will you burn. This capability
making coffee can help the body building program,
including weight loss.
Studies show that consumption of 100 mg of caffeine per day
(Roughly equivalent to a cup of coffee) can raise the
metabolism and burn calories. Even so, avoid
consuming too much caffeine. Increasing doses of caffeine
will not increase fat burning and metabolism
energy significantly. In addition, excessive caffeine consumption
could have an impact on insomnia, palpitations, headache,
diarrhea, dehydration, and increased risk of
heart disease. Limit your caffeine intake to avoid
exceeding 300 mg of caffeine per day, equivalent to 3 cups
coffee per day.
FOOD for Thought
If you already consume caffeine but still consume high-carbohydrate foods like bread, noodles, or sweet foods before and after exercise, do not expect caffeine to work effectively within your fat burning!
Research shows that foods high in carbohydrates can inhibit the work of caffeine in improving energy metabolism.
Our Guides
Ready to grab your coffee? Before heading to the nearest coffee shop to get your daily kick-ups, you better check this out.
1. Choose Wisely
Different types of coffee have different calorie content.
The best option is to Espresso. If you are a fan of Latte, you'll want to try switching to Cappuccino or Macchiato is lower in calories.
2. Skip the whooping Calorie from Whipped, Cream!
Whipped cream on top Frappuccino you can add 80-100 calories from total calories you consume, the equivalent of jogging for 20 minutes. So, next time, no whipped cream, please.
3. Less is More
The more sugar and milk you add, the higher the calorie content. For example, a cup of espresso without sugar contains less than 5 calories, while a glass of Caffe Mocha (with added sugar and milk, no whipped cream) contains about 290 calories.
4. No Side Dish, Please!
Your diligent drink coffee but have even more bloated stomach? Perhaps this is because the habits you eat croissants are widely available in coffee shops as a friend for coffee. You calorific intake increased. Select a healthier menu, like whole wheat bread without margarine. More fuller, more healthy.